Fall Tree Care: Plants to Avoid Pruning in Fall
Introduction Fall is an ideal time to tend to your landscape. Raking and disposing of leaves and plant debris can help to reduce the presence of disease pathogens and insects,…
Introduction Fall is an ideal time to tend to your landscape. Raking and disposing of leaves and plant debris can help to reduce the presence of disease pathogens and insects,…
This is the tenth and final part of a series on fall tree diseases. This article examines thousand cankers disease and verticilium wilt. Introduction During fall, the environment undergoes a…
This is the ninth part of a series on fall tree diseases and disorders. This article examines maple tar spot and oak wilt. Introduction During fall, the environment undergoes a…
This is the eighth part of a series on fall tree diseases and disorders. This article examines powdery mildew and sooty mold. Introduction During fall, the environment undergoes a drastic…
This is the seventh part of a series on fall tree diseases and disorders. This article examines leaf scorch and lophodermium needle cast. Introduction During fall, the environment undergoes a…
This is the sixth part of a series on fall tree diseases and disorders. This article examines diplodia tip blight and Dutch elm disease. Introduction During fall, the environment undergoes…
This is the fifth part of a series on fall tree diseases and disorders. This article examines black rot of apple and dothistroma needle blight. Introduction During fall, the environment…
This is the fourth part of a series on fall tree diseases and disorders. This article examines bacterial wetwood and black knot. Introduction During fall, the environment undergoes a drastic…
This is the third part of a series on fall tree diseases and disorders. This article examines bacterial leaf scorch and bacterial leaf spot. Introduction During fall, the environment undergoes…
This is the second part of a series on fall tree diseases and disorders. This article examines armillaria root rot and apple scab. Introduction During fall, the environment undergoes a…